
Hey, I am Evan Yang, a front-end developer from China.

Core team member of Anse, OnuUI.
Creator of magic-cli, za-zi, json-tsc and others.
Contributor of chatgpt-demo, UnoCSS, Vitest, Vitesse-nuxt3 and more.

Dreaming up ideas and making them come true is where my passion lies. You can find my full projects list here.

Currently I am focusing on front-end technologies that help people design complex applications to be simpler to use, enabling functionality while optimizing the user experience.

I love to chase ideas and I spend a lot of time using some great product applications, learning from their successes and using them to inspire my creativity.

Find me on GitHub, Twitter, 掘金, 知乎 or 哔哩哔哩.

Mail me at mohen1024@gmail.com.

If you like my works, you can add star to my projects.